Defund the



Prosecute the Perpetrators

Discover the Truth

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place mainly in and around the Gaza Strip, with clashes also taking place in the West Bank and Israel-Lebanon border. Learn more...


Defund the Genocide

As taxpayers, we find ourselves inadvertently entangled in the tragic events unfolding in Gaza, a consequence of our elected representatives' failure to act responsibly. It is crucial for us as conscientious individuals to unite and demand the cessation of funding that contributes to these grave consequences. Watch the aerial footage of a text book "Gaza" genocide.


Sign the petition


Prosecute the Perpetrators

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the Center for Constitutional Rights have implicated Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Genocide for various war crimes including the deaths and displacement of innocent civilians including women and children. View the Legal Briefing. Learn more



Demand the

Two States Solution

The two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict envisions an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, west of the Jordan River. The boundary between the two states is still subject to dispute and negotiation, but it is mainly based on the 1967 lines. Learn more...

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Enlighten the Masses

Media companies along with our elected officials are limiting the free flow of information related to the situation in Gaza. Wearing a "Defund Genocide" t-shirt can serve as a powerful tool for raising awareness and initiating discussions. Each step you take while wearing this shirt helps to spread the message, encouraging conversations about stopping support for these actions and holding those responsible accountable. 


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 We are seeking volunteers committed to enlightening the masses through social platforms.

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